Wednesday After school Programs

We will be offering two different options for our After-school Program this school year. The options are listed below. You will need to sign-up for each one that your student/s will attend. If transportation is needed, we will be using the Piatt Tran. You can call them directly at 217-762-7821 to register your student/s. Please also call them if your student is unable to ride on a certain day.
Students can be picked up from Faith, MCA, and
Washington schools. If your student/s come from White Heath, they would need to ride to Washington. Also, Faith and MCA do not do the early outs, so feel free to bring your child when they are dismissed on those days.

Option 1: We will be hosting an Early-out program for each of the Wednesdays that students get released early. This will run from 1:15-5:00PM on those days. The dates for this program will be;
9/14, 11/2, 2/1, 3/1, 4/12, & 5/10.

Option 2: Our regular after-school program will take place on the 2 nd Wednesday of the month when there is NOT an Early-out. This will run from 3:15-5:00PM. The dates for this program will be
10/12, 11/9, 12/14, 1/11, 2/8, &; 3/8.

Here is the link to sign-up for the Regular After-School Program