Sunday School Classes
Deepen your faith in between worship services by attending one of our 4 Adult Sunday School classes.
Tri-M Adult Class
Tri-M class is an adult Sunday school class meeting in the first room past the cross-over hallway. Any Mr., Mrs. or Miss is invited to come join us. We follow a biblically-based quarterly study series, presently studying the Old Testament books of Jeremiah and Lamentations. The class is led by Joanne Hodges..
A Bible-based study for men and women of all ages, usually involving video-driven lessons followed by group discussion. We encounter Scripture, intent to meet a relevant and personal God, desiring to learn, and expecting to be changed. This study happens in the context of caring fellowship, friendship, and support, with no individual expectations of a certain level of biblical scholarship to participate, but with an attitude of openness for discussion and desire to apply a living faith in a meaningful way. Come prepared to explore a spectrum of topics and conversations that will address the needs of your personal faith, rooted in the light of Scripture and the person of Jesus Christ.